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sharing the storieS of SUCCESs

For the past 10 years, our goal seeks to bridge this gap between unemployment, vulnerable employment, and entrepreneurship by exposing participants to practical life lessons, career tips, and knowledge sharing to enable them to break dormancy.

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the ReaSon BehinD all of thiS

Transforming Lives

Providing valuable insights and practical tools for personal and professional growth and success.

Shaping Careers

Participants are able to level up with the industry insights shared by experts, networking, and career opportunities.

Raising Leaders

Through mentorship and coaching, participants are impacted with insights and skills to advance their leadership journeys.

HiGhlight StatiStiCS

For over a decade, we have been transforming lives, shaping careers, and raising dignified leaders. Our journey involves impacting the lives of youth from all walks of life, enabling them to leave their mark wherever they find themselves.


inspired to do more for their career


their businesses


ventured into leadership roles

the impact is real

Our community is our biggest asset, and we take great pride in the positive impact our conferences have had on the lives of our attendees. Here are some of the testimonials from our satisfied attendees.

paSt SpeakERS

We have had the privilege of hosting some incredible speakers over the years who have shared their insights, experience, and expertise with our attendees.

COnvenor'S ProfilE

a Conference host, speaker, life coach, and a dynamic and results-oriented person who draws satisfaction from adding value to individuals and organizations.

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